A method to search for addresses on the map.
Please note that the page has to be UTF-8 encoded for the server if using non-English characters. |
Parameter |
Value |
searchString: string |
Search string. |
function: name |
An asynchronous JavaScript function that implements the logic when the function call returns. |
scope: name (optional) |
Owner of the current object. |
function sResult(map, res)
var txt = "";
var r = res.OK; //Search success (true) or failure (false).
for (var i = 0, c = res.data.length; i < c; i++)
//n = streetname, x = x-coordinate, y = y-coordinate.
txt = txt +
res.data[i].n + " point(" + res.data[i].p[0].x + ", " + res.data[i].p[0].y + ")";
//c = category (1 = address, 4 = city).
//var cat = res.data[i].c;
map.setCenter( {res.data[i].p[0].x, res.data[i].p[0].y}, 10);
//Do something with the txt object!
var text = 'Laugavegur 32';
map.search(text, sResult, this);